Meintest du Für höchste Geradheit Anforderungen? For highest straightness requirements

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Single stick tools

Single stick tools consist of a particularly rigid tool body which is able as far as possible to withstand bending forces. They are used where the straightness of the bore is a high priority such as with spools and valves. As opposed to the usual multi-stick honing tools, this tool is equipped with just one cutting stick.

On the cutting stick on the opposite side of the tool there are two asymmetrically positioned guide sticks. With single stick tools the cutting and guide sticks are ground and lapped within very tight tolerances. This ensures the highest accuracy with regard to bore straightness, cylindricity and roundness.

A dressing of overground tools before use is not required. The high precision means that already the first part produced in series is a good part.

Special versions:

  • Pneumatic in-process measuring possible through measuring nozzles integrated in the tool
  • Diameter range:
  • 2 -20 mm
  • Application examples:
  • Control bushings, hydraulics and pneumatic housings

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