VARIOHONE Produktfamilie -
Die Maschinenserie für effizientes Honen
VARIOHONE ZENTRUMCompletely flexible, 2, 3 or 4 spindle honing machine with modern spindle and control technology. |
VARIOHONE MODULUp to 6 honing spindles are able to display typical operation sequences of honing machining. |
VARIOLINEThe flexible, freely linkable honing system with individual configuration possibilities. |
VARIOTRANSModern transfer honing line from separate transfer modules which can be individually equipped. |
VARIOHONE LINERHonzentren für die Bearbeitung von Zylinderlaufbuchsen. |
VARIODORHonzentrum für die Honbearbeitung der Kurbelwellenlagergassenbohrungen in Zylinderkurbelgehäusen. |
ALL-IN-ONECombination of the VARIOHONE cylinder bore modules and the VARIODOR crankshaft bore modules |
PATHHONEHigh-performance position honing is characterised by high material removal rates with high cutting and expansion speeds |
VARIOLASInnovative machining centre for roughening cylinder bores with a laser in preparation for coating systems of any kind |